Free shipping on orders of $100 or more

Environmentally Friendly Practices

We strive to implement environmentally friendly practices.


 Industry-Leading Green Initiatives 

  • We, along with PLANT-IT 2020, plant a viable, indigenous tree in a non-harvest location for every emerginC retail-sized product sold.
  • We incorporate glass, biodegradable resin caps, and sugarcane-based plastics in our packaging choices.
  • Orders are packed with reusable and biodegradable shipping "peanuts."
  • We incorporate fair trade ingredients in our products wherever possible. Our fair trade ingredients include aloe, shea butter, green tea, coconut oil, cocoa butter, and olive fruit oil. 
  • Start your own vegetable garden with our organic mixed lettuce or arugula emerginCeeds, included with every order.
  • Help create an essential habitat for bees and other pollinators in your area with emerginBees milkweed seed bombs, included with every order.
  • A reusable, 100% biodegradable, plastic-free, natural bristled, bamboo toothbrush will come FREE in every order. 
  • We partner with to reduce our carbon footprint. 
  • Our office runs on 100% wind power.
  • Approximately 80% of our products are manufactured with wind power.
  • Brochures and product boxes are manufactured with paper from sustainably managed forests.
  • We print with non-toxic vegetable inks.
  • Orders shipped via UPS are shipped with its carbon-neutral shipping option.